Sunday, June 30, 2013

Food Sales

On the 24th of April 2013, SCSC held a one-day food sales. The food sales was held at the Energy Hub from 10:00 am till 4:00 pm. The food items sold were all home-made which consist of sushi, fried ice-cream, konnyaku jelly, chocolate chip pecan cookies and 2 types of cakes, biscuit crusted cake and chocolate chip walnut cake. 

All the members of the committee members participated in this event where some of the members were in charge of different food items.

Tables and chairs were carried and moved to the Energy Hub the day before hand by all the muscular guys namely Jeff, Huan Xiang, Gui Sheng, Kae Shen, John whereas the board was decorated by the talented artists Crystal, Shang Ping and Caryn.

On the day of the food sales, members who are staying in the hostel, Huan Xiang and Jeff were asked to come to the campus by 8:00 am to help out to carry the food items from the car to the booth and to the fridge. Other members slowly arrived one by one to get ready for the big day ahead. While waiting for the other members to arrive, Ashley and Gui Sheng were busy preparing and rolling the sushi behind the board.
Making sushi

Due to the efficient team work of displaying food items and preparing boxes for cakes, we were all prepared before the opening time. At 10 am sharp, we started our food sales with a cashier and recorder for each session which was appointed the day before. The food sales started out a little slow as it was still early. However, it picked up pas when lunch time was arriving. 

In the process of the food sales, many of the committee members took turns to walk around to sell the food items in the lecturers’ office, the AUP office and the students around the campus.

The hot selling items for the day were our special fried ice-cream and sushi. The fried ice-cream was sold out in the first 2 hours and customers came back for more even after it was sold out. They were very sad to find out that it was all sold out. Sushi was such a hit that we had to cook three batches of rice on campus to fulfil the taste buds of the customers. Customers gave very good comments on the sushi such as it was unique and delicious due to our special prawn paste included. Some also suggested us to put more mayonnaise as it was not enough. The cookies also got much attention from customers and they commented that it was very delicious. The rest of the items slowly picked up pace. We managed to end our sales by 3:30 pm after everything was sold out before the expected time.

Throughout the food sales this semester, we learned many lessons where we now know that the role of a cashier and a recorder is extremely important both to us and also the customers in order to be more organised. All the members had a wonderful and enjoyable time although we had a little trouble throughout the whole day.

Written by: Tan Huan Xiang & Ashley Khaw
Edited by: Clover Chong

CSR Activity

Its Mid-Sem Break and SCSC joined in to help organise a Corporate Social Responsibility event with the VUBC Club at Susheela Old Folks Care Center, Taman Yarl, on the 5th April. The objectives of the camp were to expose the students to understand world outside and lending a helping hand to those who are in need. The event was also served the purpose to instill a leave a positive belief and to build up new confident in the areas of the student’ abilities. Meanwhile, both of the clubs have shown an unforgettable sign of tolerance and team spirit between each other, working side by side and making new allies within each other. A total of 30 participants accompanied by both lecturers, Ms Anita & Ms Racheal, were put into 2 groups and were asked to clean up the houses by beautifying the garden, moving out old boxes and furniture from the stores. 
Cleaning the store
Cleaning the windows
Some of us even mingle around and we even have our talented members to entertaining the old folks as well. Also a special thanks to the lectures who have donated rations to the old folks, without the tremendous support from them the event won’t be a huge success as it seems. 

Most of us had accomplished this task successfully and enjoyed spending our time with the old folks. 

After seeing the smiles glued on the folks, it shows our efforts didn’t actually go to waste!!

Written by: Yee Kae Shen
Edited by: Clover Chong

Team Building at Sufes Tapah Campsite

On the 1st of April 2013, SCSC held a three days two nights Team Building at Sufes Tapah Campsite. It was the first team building whereby all the activities and games were prepared and conducted our own committee members. They were Kae Shen, the organizing chairperson, Crystal, the advisor, Gui Sheng, Clover, Kevin and Sherying. The purpose of this team building is to bond, interact and have fun with the newly joined members.

We started our journey at 9.45am in front of Sunway Residence. On the way to the destination, the seniors interacted with the new members and played around in the bus. 
On the way to Sufes campsite
We stopped by at Bidor for lunch before heading to Tapah. The lunch was booked by Gui Sheng’s father at ‘Coconut Island’ restaurant and the food there was delicious. We arrived at Sufes Tapah Campsite around 2.20pm. The environment there was not only beautiful but also refreshing. 
Sufes Tapah Campsite
We unloaded all the bags and were briefed by the camper about the rules. Later, we checked-in and changed into sport attire for stream trotting. 
stream trotting
The journey to the waterfall was challenging and tiring but the breath-taking scenery of the waterfall made it all worthwhile.
Playing at waterfall
We had our dinner at 6.30pm and had ice-breaking session in the hall at 8pm till 11pm. 
Ice-breaking session
Before the session ends, all of them were grouped into 4 teams and each teams had their own theme for the second night's drama session.  

We started the second day with breakfast at 8.30am and then proceed to ‘The Amazing Race’. There are total of 4 teams with 4 people each. The race starts at 10.30am. There are 8 game stations in total: Sudoku, Pop-pop Balloon, Chicken Run, Sweet & Flour, Write with String, Spoon with Ping Pong, Maze & Trap and Balloon Back with 3 Leg. 

During the race, teamwork, leadership and determination can be developed among the members. Furthermore, the relationship between the juniors and the seniors can be bonded here. When it ended at 12pm, everyone was exhausted. After lunch at 1.30pm, most of the team members were busying preparing their props, planning and practising for the drama based on their given theme. Meanwhile, the committee members were busy preparing for the ‘Balloon War’ tournament. Filling up the balloons with water and putting into the pail, setting up the border line and also arranging the barriers for defence on both side of the field. The tournament started at 3pm and ended at 4.30pm. 
Balloon war
Everyone was wet and tired but it was worth it. Everyone then clean themselves and rested awhile in the room. Some of the members went to the canteen to help with the grilling of chickens and sausages for dinner. After having dinner from 6.30pm till 8pm, everyone proceed to put on their costume and props for the drama as it starts at 8pm. 
Drama session
Creativity, imagination and teamwork were the main criteria to win the drama. All the performances were hilarious and creative. Drama ended at 10pm for supper and everyone went to bed at 12.00am.

Last day of team building, breakfast was at 9.30am. Everyone was busy packing and cleaning up the room. We had a short photo session before leaving to keep memories intact with us.
Photo session
At 11.00am was the announcement of the highest scorer team in total of all the games and the prize giving session. 
There was also a prize for the best male and female camper. After lunch at 12.00pm, everyone gathered in the hall while waiting for the bus. We departed at 1.30pm from Sufes Tapah Campsite and arrived at Sunway University College at 3.30pm.

Written by: Leng Gui Sheng
Edited by: Clover Chong