Thursday, August 17, 2017

Bonjour Night Semester 2, 2017

11 August 2017 was indeed an auspicious and memorable night for all Sunway CPA Australia Student Charter (SCSC) members both old and new, graduated and present. It is a night for all the past SCSC members and the newbies to gather as we celebrate another year of our club. The theme of the event was Hollywood as this spectacular night was also to celebrate SCSC’s 10th anniversary where we appreciate all the alumni’s hard work and dedication since the establishment of the club.
The venue of this event was at Art Gallery located on the first level in the New University Building where registration began at 6.30p.m. 
Registration booth

Within a short period of time, alumni and newbies began to arrive. The event started off with a welcoming speech by the emcees, followed by a warm welcoming address from our zealous president, Bryan Tan. After that, Ms Greeja, the Director of VU Undergraduate Programmes was invited up on stage to deliver her speech. Her words were truly inspiring and heart-warming. Right after that, comes the Sunway 30th anniversary homecoming promotion conducted by a representative from Alumni Relations, Department of Student Life.

Emcees for the Night, Bernie and Kang Ling.

Welcoming address by president of SCSC, Bryan Tan.

Speech by Ms Greeja, Director of VU Undergraduate Programme.

30th year anniversary homecoming event.
Next was the launching of the event by VIPs of the day where a film wheel consisting of picture memories throughout the years of SCSC was rolled down when Ms Greeja pulled the ribbon, officially initiating the event. After the launching by Ms Greeja, Bryan was invited to the stage to present a token of appreciation to all the VIPs of the event. There is also video presentation specially produced by SCSC to showcase the 10-year milestone and achievement. The club has grown leaps and bounds and was awarded as the Most Outstanding Club & Society by Student LIFE for 2 consecutive years in 2015 & 2016. What happened after was the introduction of the Board of Directors for the year 2017 as they were called up on stages along with their positions.

Launching of the event by Ms Greeja

Photo session of everyone present in the event.

After the opening ceremony, it was time for everyone to fill their stomach with the mouth-watering dishes prepared by the Joshi Josh catering. Everyone was invited to have their dinner and it was also the time where the alumni and newbies as well as the VIP took the chance to interact and mingle with one another. It was a great time catching up and networking.

As everyone was enjoying their scrumptious dish, they were accompanied by performances from SCSC members. The first performance was a magic show by an alumnus named Alex Tee. It was indeed a heart racing and mysterious performance as the tricks he did was beyond our believe. The magic show was definitely one of the highlights of the Bonjour Night! Next was a singing performance by the singers of SCSC Avelynn and Wan Sze who performed Count on Me by Bruno Mars. Their voice was indeed beautiful and angelic. Following that was the flash mob by all of the current SCSC members choreographed by Hanna and Huei Xin. It was extremely amusing to see all the members dancing together especially when the club teacher advisor Ms Fong joined in together with the dance.

Magic performance by alumnnus, Alex and volunteer Bryan.

Singers of SCSC, Avelynn and Wan Sze.

Flash Mob by SCSC Members
  Following that was a video which is a compilation of some of the SCSC alumni in Melbourne, Australia sharing their wisdom and advice with us. There was a sharing session by the alumni of SCSC after the video ended where they talked about their experience in SCSC and how it has changed their lives.

Sharing session by Alumnus, Marcus Ong

The alumni were given a handmade appreciation gift made by the Bonjour Night team to thank them for taking some time off their busy schedule to attend the event. As all good things will need to come to a conclusion, the night ended around 10 p.m. The event turned out to be a successful event as all the people who attended the event enjoyed themselves very much. It was indeed a night to remember and a remarkable way to celebrate our 10 years anniversary!!

Written by: Lim Chiah Weoi

Edited by: Loke Jun Sing & Tan Xin Yee (Chanelle)

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