Saturday, March 21, 2015

CPA Australia Student Network Briefing ( Sem 1/2015 )

          The first CPA Student Network Briefing this year took place on 5 March 2015, Thursday, from 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm at Lecture Theatre 1, Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur. CPA Australia Student Network Briefing is organized on a per semester basis by Sunway CPA Australia Student Charter (SCSC) of which comprises of 35 talented and passionate students, dedicated to broaden students’ knowledge and experiences beyond in-class education through events and activities.

          The event was hosted by Caitlyn Wong Chai Qiao, a student ambassador of CPA Australia on Sunway Campus. Approximately 25 undergraduate students from varying majors and years took a step forward out of their rigid student life structure by participating the event to understand the next step of their lives after graduating.

          The well-structured session was made into a success with the help of all SCSC members but most importantly, the ever eye-opening sharing session by none other than the Relationship Manager of CPA  Australia in Kuala Lumpur, Ms Leong Pui Kuan. The event was organized to introduce to students the benefits and purpose of the Student Network by Chang Li Hong, President of SCSC; followed by Ms Leong Pui Kuan on the structure of the CPA Australia Program and the career benefits that lie before them with this professional qualification that is highly sought after by world renowned multi-national corporations.

Written by : Caitlyn Wong Chai Qiao 

Edited by   : Goh Jong Kit